John Cerqueira’s candidacy for Raleigh City Council District E presents several concerning issues that make him ill-suited to represent our community. One of the most glaring problems is his lack of involvement in local governance. Unlike other candidates who have taken the time to engage with and understand the needs of Raleigh, John has never attended a City Council meeting, served on any Raleigh Boards or Commissions, or participated in Raleigh’s Government Education programs such as the Raleigh Neighborhood College or the Citizen Leadership Academy. Furthermore, he has never used public comment opportunities to express his opinions or advocate for his community, suggesting a lack of commitment to the citizens of District E.

Red Flag!

Another red flag is the source of his campaign donations. A substantial portion of John’s financial backing comes from the development industry, which raises serious concerns about whose interests he will prioritize if elected. His first political donation came from former District E representative David Knight. Mr. Knight was not only a rubber stamp for developers but he also voted to dismantle Citizens Advisory Councils (CAC’s) on February 2, 2020, despite Citizen Engagement being essential for good governance, six members, including one currently running for council again this year, voted to silence this vital avenue for citizen voices.

Endorsements from Shady Actors!

In 2019, the Triangle Apartment Association (TAA) played a pivotal role in shaping Raleigh’s elections through a highly orchestrated campaign. They worked with an independent expenditure group, Triangle Government Alliance, hiring a company named Targeted Persuasion to craft targeted messaging aimed at influencing the City Council race. Under campaign finance laws these independent expenditure groups cannot legally coordinate with political campaigns. While independent expenditure groups are technically prohibited from coordinating with campaigns, there appears to be a clear alignment between candidates like John Cerqueira, his developer donors, and these outside groups. The overlap in messaging and timing raises questions about just how disconnected these efforts really were, as candidates seemed to benefit from the behind-the-scenes efforts to sway public opinion through targeted ads and mailers that conveniently supported their agendas.. The campaign was designed to depict incumbents as “out of touch” and used various tactics to promote TAA-backed candidates like David Knight in District E, John Cerqueira’s current political ally.

One striking example of these tactics was the “Granny Flats” campaign, a carefully crafted narrative that sought to personify housing affordability issues through the lens of accessory dwelling units (ADUs). This messaging was not just a theoretical campaign—it was strategic, emotional manipulation designed to protect developers’ interests while suppressing smart development solutions. With the TAA’s vast resources, they were able to create highly targeted digital ads and mailers that flooded Raleigh voters with biased narratives, drowning out voices that advocated for more balanced and community-centered growth.

By aligning himself with such interests, John Cerqueira raises serious concerns about whose priorities he will represent if elected. His heavy financial backing from the development sector, particularly groups like TAA that have a history of aggressively opposing affordable housing measures, further calls into question his commitment to Raleigh’s citizens.

Lack of Governance Experience

As for his qualifications, John’s own campaign materials highlight his survival of the 9/11 attacks, his background as a corporate trainer and consultant, and his role in bringing a skatepark to downtown Raleigh. While these are admirable accomplishments, they do not demonstrate the governance experience or civic involvement necessary to lead a growing and diverse city like Raleigh. A corporate background and a single community project does not prepare someone to tackle the complex issues facing our city, especially in a role as pivotal as City Councilor.

Stark Contrast to Opponent

In stark contrast to his opponent, Christina Jones, John has shown no real commitment to citizen engagement. Christina Jones, with a proven track record of service to Raleigh, has been deeply involved in the community both before and during her two years on the City Council. Prior to being elected in 2022, she served as the head of Raleigh’s Citizens Advisory Councils (CACs), and in that role, she spoke at City Council meetings 44 times, (YES! 44!) consistently advocating for the needs of her community. From the beginning of her tenure on the City Council, she demonstrated a dedication to fostering a strong connection with residents, holding her first community meeting in December 2022, two months before even being sworn into office. She has consistently placed the interests of Raleigh citizens first, advocating for inclusive and responsible city growth.


It’s clear that John Cerqueira’s run for City Council appears to be more about personal career advancement and aligning with developer interests than about serving the people of District E. His lack of experience, questionable financial backing, and absence of any meaningful engagement with the community leaves him woefully unprepared to represent Raleigh effectively. Meanwhile, Councilwoman Christina Jones continues to demonstrate the leadership and commitment to citizen engagement that our city deserves.